Tag Archives: Care

Take Care of Your Love!

Each person is like a island. Presently, people are submerged in a technological and virtual world, hiper connected, quicly Wi-Fi, mech – electronical, plenty of chips e gigabits, mechanically totalflex, modular, interchangeable, photocell, self regulating and multifuntional. We can notice that everything moves in direction to the touch screen expansion, inteligent and broadband  connections, remote assistance via voice command. Experts knows more and more about precise data transmissions  of millions of characteres via eletromagnetic waves. The digital augmented reality drive us to the dream of convert our ecstasy into a ephemeral reality in nano time exposures. Thus we domine all possibilities in terms of simulations, thanks to parametrical finit difference methods, which help us to forsee prototipes, trough 3D modeling, under 12 Megapixel resolution or via 3D, super fast,  printers.  All these things are extremelly good, but nothing among so many tecnological developments, no scientifical advance  can comfort myself, since I’ve lost the one who used to make me happy !